Beatitudes for Life


Wednesday, January 22 marks the Day of Prayer for the Protection of Unborn Children, and the March for Life in Washington D.C. will take place on Friday, January 24. Please take time in the week ahead to pray with and reflect upon these words of challenge, healing and hope which I share every year at this time:

Blessed are the poor in spirit – those who stand-up for the voiceless, the powerless … the ones who need others to care for and protect them when our laws fail to do so.

Blessed are they who mourn – the mothers and fathers with regrets; who thought this was the only way out; who still have an emptiness in their heart and believe that God can’t love them. He never stops loving them.

Blessed are the meek – the women who chose adoption as another viable way; the scared-but-brave mothers who choose to bring a child to life no matter the cost or inconvenience; the unexpected parents who trust that God will help them find a way forward. He always helps us find a way forward.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness – who march and pray; who witness; who donate time, talent and treasure to Birthright and other women’s shelters across our land; who stand alongside those who are scared, suffering or impoverished in all its many forms; who remember that “pro-life” is more than just a womb issue.

Blessed are the merciful – those who know that life isn’t easy and decisions are often made in fear; those who know that God never gives up on anyone and calls broken hearts back to healing. It’s never too late for mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart – the babies in the womb this day; the 63 million lost; the ones who return to the Father much too soon.

Blessed are the peacemakers – the women and men who stand for Truth but also listen wholeheartedly to those who come from a different life experience; the peace-bringers to women who hurt and mourn; the ones who remember that so many among us carry hidden, heavy burdens that we never see this side of heaven; the ones who refuse to judge.

Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness sake – those who will never stop being the voice and heart for the ones considered less-than/inconvenient/a choice. This week, we pray … we offer-up little sacrifices … we fast: for the unborn and their parents, for moms who have had to make difficult decisions. We pray for creative and bold ways to be life-giving to those who need us in difficult pregnancies and challenging family decisions. We love the broken back to wholeness, which the Church is always called to do. And we stay forever merciful – never stopping the fight until we can truly offer liberty and justice for ALL.